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MCM week 6 recap

6 weeks down! Holy moly. The race is 5 months from tomorrow, and I know that time will continue to fly.

This week got a slow start, but I still snuck in 20 miles without doing my long run, so that's good. We were enjoying the long weekend with the in-laws, and I didn't prioritize my long run the way I should have, but the way I see it is, if I let loose every now and then at the cost of 1 or 2 long runs, the not-stressing part will outweigh the not-running part when it comes to overtraining. This is a long training road, and I think it's much more sustainable if I sometimes prioritize precious time with family. THAT being said, I'll need to add in an unplanned longer run this weekend now, and that's fine!

Week #: 6

Number of runs done: 4

Total mileage: 20.14

Longest run: 6 miles

Strength training sessions: 2

Yoga sessions: 2

Highlight: Not getting lost around the bayou! I get lost every single time I try to run the 3 mile loop at the in-laws house, but I nailed it Saturday night for 2 loops and a second run of the day :)

Low point: Thursday's really rough tempo-attempt... it was just so blah. It felt hard, I hated it, I changed the plan, but I still got 6 miles out of it. It's better than nothing- right?!

Reflections: A truly easy paced run makes next to no impact on my body-- imagine that! Saturday morning's 5k was awesome, relaxed bonding time with my sister-in-law. I rarely get a running buddy, so we jogged and walked and chatted the whole time, and I loved every second. It reminds me how great it is to slow down because my body didn't feel a thing the moment we were done!

Any physical ailments? No complaints here! (Except a Memorial Day sunburn.)

My mom comes to visit soon & Rhett's first birthday will be here before we know it, so I've gotta stick to it. The best part about this week though?! I won (for me AND my sister) a Momentum jewelry giveaway, and I get a free month of StrideBox and a motivate wrap!!!! I'm so excited, and I'll post when I receive my prize!

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